Matsun Nutrition

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Best Vitamin Contract Manufacturers

Learn about Dietary Supplement Manufacturing

Matsun Nutrition Your #1 Liquid Supplement Manufacturer

dietary supplement manufacturing

Guide to Dietary Supplement Manufacturing

The emergence and growth of dietary supplement manufacturing businesses have been on the increase in recent decades. This is a result of the increased need for good health as well as fitness by individuals.

As a full-service liquid vitamin and supplement manufacturer, Matsun Nutrition is here to help you achieve your goals.”

These businesses deal with the manufacturing of dietary items to provide additions required by the body. For this reason, we offer various types of supplements in the markets, both nationally and internationally.

dietary supplement manufacturing

Our range of supplements covers all of the needs of the consumers out there. 

They only contain the finest ingredients that have been proven to work.

The Popularity of Supplement Manufacturing

Popular Private Label Liquid Supplements

In the recent past, dietary supplement manufacturing has grown in popularity globally. This can be attributed to the increase in people being more conscious about their health. 

Another reason is obesity which has made many people to opt out of junk food and instead focus on supplements while at the same time acquiring maximum nutritional benefits.

In addition, some people do not consume other foods either due to their unavailability or allergies hence the need for supplements.

“Studies have found that many individuals continue to benefit from a variety of specially formulated health supplements

Private Label Program

Our products, your brand!

Private Label Liquid Vitamin DesignMinimum order Liquid SupplementPrivate Label Supplement Fast Turnaround TimePrivate Label Supplement Stock ProductsPrivate Label Supplement Stock ProductsPrivate Label Liquid Vitamin Customer ServicePrivate Label Supplement Shelf LifePrivate Label Liquid Vitamin NSF FDA GMPPrivate Label Supplement Made in USA

Here at Matsun Nutrition we make it easy to get started with your own brand of private label supplements.

Just 12 bottles to Get Started!

We offer over 40+ proven formulations for a variety of liquid vitamins and supplements for both people and pets.

3 Easy Steps to Private Labeling

It’s really as simple as 1-2-3 ! 

  1. Choose one of our in-house liquid vitamin or supplement formulas.
  2. We create a unique and exciting label for your new brand.
  3. Place your order and then we ship it out within just 1-2 days!

All of our liquid vitamins and supplements are made in the USA.


Get on the fast track Start building your business today!

Private Labeling Supplement Consultation

Let us help you get started or grow your supplement business!


Contract Manufacturing

For custom formulations and large contract orders

Contract Manufacturing Supplement Label DesignContract Manufacturing Liquid Supplement Minimum OrderContract Manufacturing Liquid Vitamin Custom FormulasContract Manufacturing Wholesale PricingContract Manufacturing Liquid Vitamin Customer ServiceContract Manufacturing Liquid Supplement Shelf LifeContract Manufacturing Liquid Supplement NSF FDA GMPContract Manufacturing Supplements Made in USA

Need a Custom Formula?

We’ve got you covered!

Specializing in custom liquid supplement formulas for over 20 years, we have the experience, skills and technology to meet your special needs.

Our sales reps, chemists and formulators are ready to help bring your ideas to market, including small-batch custom samples.

Contract and Custom Formulations at up to 25% Below Wholesale!

So, whether you are looking for an energy shot manufacturer, a high-quality multivitamin or glucosamine for dogs, we can guide you through the process.  Give us a call now for a free consultation.

Beneficiaries of Supplement Manufacturing?

The beneficiaries of dietary supplement manufacturing are those who contract us to produce their new product for them. We will be in charge of making sure that your product gets out there to the world.

The other benefits are that people who need them will get access to them via you the retailer.

After we send you the product that you need and get them onto those shelves, then you can be serving people who need a nutrient boost with those supplements.

“Vitamins and supplements are an important part of living a healthy life”

With a Supplement Manufacturer, you can get yourself onto the fast track to starting a business you can tap into.

Private Labeling Supplement Uses

Health Benefits of Fat-Burning Supplements

Remember that supplements are not drugs but instead serve as substitutes for certain nutrients. The health benefits of supplements however include the following:

Supplements aid in the maintenance of the body’s functions. This ensures that the body’s performance is at its optimal hence a more balanced and healthy state.

“Matsun Nutrition…providing quality products to help supplement a healthy lifestyle”

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Supplements provide a boost to the immune system

Supplements aid in increasing the supply of blood to the cells hence nourishing them

Supplements also act as sources of antioxidants therefore playing a useful role in eliminating toxic wastes from the body

There are plenty of benefits from supplements, it is up to the consumer to decide what it is that they want.

Top Qualities of a Great Supplement Manufacturer

Great Supplement Manufacturer

It is important to choose carefully when deciding on your next supplement manufacturer. Along with quality, reliability and cost, proper certification is a must. 

Our private label weight loss supplements are NSF-registered, GMP and FDA-compliant.

Matsun Nutrition proudly manufactures all of our supplements here in the USA.

Matsun Nutrition sets itself apart from other supplement manufacturers in many areas.  We operate state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities that specialize in liquid vitamins and liquid supplements.

This provides us with specialized training and experience in liquids that other supplement manufacturers just do not have. 

“And of course, all of our products are Made In The USA!

Our strict internal safety procedures and quality control measures ensure both the safety and quality of our supplement products. 

In addition to annual inspections, we meet or exceed all regulatory requirements, including NSF registration, FDA and GMP compliance.

As a full-service manufacturing company we offer everything from research and development of custom formulations to complete labeling, packaging and shipping of your products.  We are your one-stop source when it comes to liquid vitamin and supplement contract manufacturing.

The Latest Supplement Industry Trends

The supplement industry as a whole continues to outperform many others.  This is true not only regarding the sale of supplement for people, but also for pets.

It seems that every year, new types and forms of vitamins and supplements are introduced into the market place.

Whether it be gummy vitamins for kids or energy shots for adults, there is always something new coming out, often times in high demand.

“Supplement Sales are Estimated to Top 150 Billion Dollars by 2020.”

Private Labeling Supplement Trends

With such a vast variety of vitamins and health supplements to choose from, it’s no wonder that the supplement industry continues to grow.  As such, this affords both small and large companies to jump into the market without fear of too much competition.

With the popularity of private label brands being accepted by consumers wishing to save a few dollars, and the relatively low start-ups costs, successful new entries into the supplement market are becoming more and more common.

Benefits of Starting Your Own Supplement Business

Compared to the past, more benefits are realized nowadays in starting a dietary supplement manufacturing business. These include:

Starting your own business as a supplement manufacturer will prove to be more rewarding due to the increased demand for supplements by various group categories in the society today.

In addition, you will also have access to various marketing channels including online media such that creating awareness among consumers will be much easier.

Contract Manufacturing Liquid Supplement Benefits

In addition, by starting your own dietary supplement manufacturing company, you will also gain access to the global market hence greater sales and in turn profits.

“Increase your profits!…start selling your own branded supplements “

Finally, with the development of the private label supplement, you will be able to brand your own supplements as a manufacturer hence creating a reputation for your individual business, further boosting your sales levels.

Unlimited Places To Sell Your Supplements

Liquid Supplement Best Selling

One of the great things about the supplement business is that there are an unlimited number of places to sell supplements.  A few obvious choices include:  retail stores, health food stores gyms, doctor and veterinarian offices, online stores and more…

Today, selling online is the most popular sales platform due to the endless benefits it offers to both the business owner and consumers. Selling supplements online also affords very low start-up costs.

Millions of people are buying and selling products online each and every day.  How about you?

Many retailers sell supplements through their own successful online stores. 

However, another great option is selling supplements on Amazon.  No experience, no problem.  Matsun Nutrition can help you get started!

Another good thing about starting your own liquid supplements is that you can choose the ideal place to sell your supplements based on your target market and personal preferences.

So Many Ways To Market Your Supplements

To maximize your profits and ensure that your supplement penetrates the market, you must market correctly.

A dietary supplement manufacturing business is just like any other business and therefore needs to be marketed if it is to succeed in this competitive world. Therefore, the following techniques should be employed in marketing your supplement business:

E-mail marketing Use of social media including Facebook, Twitter among others

“A well-branded supplement can attract  all kinds of new buyers to your store”

Private Labeling Supplement Marketing

Online advertisements Website pages: this entails optimization of your website in order to achieve your sales goals. In this, you are highly advised to make emphasis on your keywords, that is, Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Affiliate programs by joining networks within your industry with which you share the same target consumers. Use of the press releases In conclusion, therefore, with the desire for good health and fitness globally, it is evident that dietary supplement manufacturing businesses will continue to increase.

This therefore means an opportunity for investors to invest profitably. While making such investments, however, it is important to give priority to the health of individuals.

Hence, businesses should only provide supplements that do not pose potential risks to consumers. With the above in mind, the supplements will serve to ensure a healthy and fit future generation.

Top 7 Reasons To Choose Matsun Nutrition

If you are looking for a fully certified, reliable, full-service liquid vitamin and supplement manufacturer, then look no further than Matsun Nutrition.  Here are just a few of the many reasons to choose Matsun Nutrition.

  1. Over 20 Years Specializing in Liquid Vitamin and Supplement Manufacturing!
  2. Highest Quality Ingredients Available!
  3. NSF Registered, GMP and FDA Compliant!
  4. FREE 1 on 1 Professional Consultation!
  5. Custom Formulations!
  6. Low Price Industry Leader!
  7. Dedicated to Your Success!

Private Labeling Contract Manufacturing Contact

Our in-house production team and expert staff are ready to serve you!

Whether you would like your supplements shipped locally or internationally, we guarantee quick shipping with the lowest possible shipping costs.

Our goal at Matsun Nutrition is to provide you with the highest quality products at the most affordable prices, and to assist you with your growing and successful business.  Give us a call today!