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Effects of Caffeine on the body

A lot of people take caffeine daily to help wake themselves up in the morning or for an extra boost of energy in the afternoon. It is seen by many as harmless and others as destructive. It is an addictive substance that many consume often, so what are the effects of caffeine on the body exactly?

Where Does it Come from?

Caffeine comes either from plants or can be man-made. Some plants that contain caffeine are coffee beans, kola nuts, tea leaves, and cacao. These are used to make things like coffee, soda, tea, and chocolate. Chocolate is a food that contains caffeine that some people do not know about so it should not be eaten in large amounts.

Man-made caffeine is used to make medicine, energy drinks, and food that contains any chocolate. It is also found in cold medicines and pain-relievers like Midol and Excedrin.

Caffeine in Drinks

Out of everything, coffee contains the most caffeine. Just one 8-ounce cup has between 95-200 mg of caffeine. Coffee even contains more caffeine than most energy drinks! Most energy drinks have between 70-100 mg of caffeine in an 8-ounce can. However, there are larger cans that contain much more caffeine. Some energy drinks even contain up to 300 mg of caffeine, like Bang Energy Drinks.

Compared to these drinks filled with caffeine, soda has almost nothing. A 12-ounce can of soda contains only 35-70 mg of caffeine. The downside to soda is most of them contain large amounts of sugar as well.

Benefits of Caffeine

To reap any of the benefits from caffeine, it should only be taken in moderate doses. Although there is not much data or evidence, caffeine is known to help with focus and help others feel more alert. The recommended amount for a daily intake of caffeine is less than 200 mg. Any more than this may have more negative effects on your body than positive.

Negative Effects of Caffeine

According to, caffeine is safe only if people drink 400 mg or less each day. More than this could potentially cause problems. One major effect of too much caffeine is sleep deprivation. Contrary to what some might think, caffeine does not replenish energy. The boost of energy from caffeine is very temporary and your body will still need a full 7-8 hours of sleep to avoid other problems.

Without proper amounts of sleep, you may face other problems like depression, anxiety, insomnia, high blood pressure, feelings of nervousness or other problems. Caffeine has also been linked to problems when taken during pregnancy. According to, too much caffeine can even cause seizures, confusion, or delirium.

One rare, but possible cause of too much caffeine is an overdose. While not many have died at the hands of caffeine, it is possible, so it is important to make sure not to take more than the recommended daily amounts.

The motto “all things in moderation” should apply when it comes to caffeine. Some bodies handle caffeine better than others, but everyone should still be careful and consider the effects of caffeine on the body. Take care of your body and treat it with the respect it deserves. Check out our article, Benefits of Multivitamins to find out how you can help your body get the vitamins and minerals it needs.
